Daniela Kolarova

Daniela Kolarova is a System architect at DXC Technology with more than 13 years experience with Java. She has worked on many international projects using Core Java, Java EE, Spring. Because of her interests in AI she worked on scientific projects at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and at Plovdiv University and did some presentations on AI conferences and a Java conference this years. She is a also a DZone Java and DZone AI contributor. Daniela Kolarova graduated “Informatics” at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at Plovdiv University “Paisij Hilendarski“.

To Mock or To Stub? How to choose the right Design and Testing Approach?

Day 2 - 18th Oct 15:20-16:10 Hall 3 (Main Sub-ground Level)

The topic covers best practices and common mistakes developers experience while designing code and corresponding tests taking into account TDD approaches.